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Custom Pet Accessories


It's only a matter of time - and not very much of it at that - before we start to think of our pets as part of the family. Create custom pet accessories featuring your own designs so they really do feel included.

Sleep In Style

Whether you're catering for your favourite feline or your precious pooch they deserve the very best. From blankets to cushions we have the perfect way for your prized pet to sleep soundly without sticking out like a sore thumb. Design your own custom pet bedding and make sure that it blends in seamlessly with the rest of your room, which you spent so much time decorating so that it was just right.

Wonderful Walkies

When you take your dog for a walk, you are proudly displaying them to the whole world. Why not add a personal touch and design your own pet accessories? From the loud and proud to the meek and modest, every animal has its own personality, so why not reflect that in their own unique custom pet accessories. 

Tailored Teatimes

Feeding time at the zoo again? Serve your beloved companion up a feast on their own personalised platter. From bowls to mats, we have custom pet accessories which make both the serving up and the cleaning up so much easier when mealtimes come around. 

Personally Personalised

Our entire range of custom printed pet products is handmade to order here onsite. A team of printing technicians, craftsmen and seamstresses all come together to design your own pet accessories based on your order specifications. State-of-the-art printing techniques product excellent colour reproduction, fine detailing, and long-lasting, rub-resistant designs.