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Custom Home Decor Accessories


Our home decor is a reflection of us, and there is no better way to portray your true personality than with custom home decor accessories, UK printed to order. Use your own designs to create beautiful home decor showing off your unique style.

The Same But Different

Although our homes are made up of multiple different rooms, they are all part of one complete house. Pull your setup together with custom home decor accessories that feature throughout. A simple match of coasters in the living room with a canvas in the dining room, a doormat in the hallway and curtains in the kitchen can really make a series of singular entities come together and create a flowing theme whilst still maintaining each areas individuality. 

Varying Intensities

You can choose the level of similarities within each piece to make your home decor as complementary or contrasting as you like. Maybe you have a series of pieces which all signify a particular season, using a similar palette for each artwork yet different subject matters. You might have a collection of illustrations which all feature a similar theme, such as a particular figure or something more linear like straight lines, or squares. Similar pieces using different colour schemes can also pull independent areas into a whole. 

Bespoke Just For You

We create your custom home decor accessories to your specifications, whether that be the shape of your lampshades to the measurements of your blinds. Your home decor is exactly that - yours. Our simple to use online design interface will lay out all of your options for you, so you know exactly what you can change about each product that you select. 

Handmade To Order

We hand make all home decor items to order here in our North West London facility. Our technicians use eco-friendly inks, and deep penetration printing technology to ensure a long-lasting, full-colour reproduction of your designs. Our craftsmen cut, assemble, and even build your products by hand, and expert seamstresses stitch and hem items that require it. Once each product has been lovingly handcrafted, their work is checked by our quality control team before being sent out to you.