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Dropshipping Profit Calculator – Your Key to Dropshipping Success

One of the most important parts of your dropshipping journey is determining how much profit you'll be making when selling your products. Knowing your profit margin can help you decide whether your business idea is viable or whether it requires further thought. In addition, if you are an experienced dropshipper, using our profit calculator can help you determine areas for improvement, allowing you to optimise your business model.  


At Contrado, we've developed a handy dropshipping profit calculator that completely automates the profit-calculation process. Quick and easy to use, our profit calculator will indicate exactly how much you can expect to earn when starting your dropshipping business. Once you've got an idea of your potential profits, you're all set to create your store and begin selling right away!

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Make 20-40%

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High ticket products yield more profit. Calculate here:

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Your Costs: £ (Inc.VAT)
Delivery: £
Estimated Earnings:£ Advanced Options  
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How to Calculate Dropshipping Profit

If you are a newcomer to dropshipping, keeping track of all the facts and figures related to your business can be pretty daunting. Furthermore, the process of calculating your profits can be challenging – especially if you are unsure about what item you wish to sell or how much you aim to sell it for. Finally, even if you do know these elements of your business model, the process of calculating potential profits often involves setting up a complicated spreadsheet or using 3rd party software – meaning even more things you need to worry about!


However, by using our dropshipping profit calculator, you’ll be able to receive an accurate overview of your potential dropshipping profits in seconds. Our cost-sell calculator incorporates all of the complicated calculations on the backend, meaning that you only have to enter a few inputs to receive the information you seek. And the best part is, it’s super easy to tweak the inputs once they’re entered – allowing you to find a product and a selling price that is right for you and your goals!

calculate dropshipping profits

The Easy Way

Everyone wants to have a successful business – that goes without saying! However, the key to dropshipping success is creating a business that generates a consistent profit overall and has the scope to increase those profits as the business grows. Thus, it's vital to get an idea of potential profits beforehand to ensure you don't waste time and resources in creating a business that is not financially viable.


Through our dropshipping profit calculator, you'll be able to see at a glance whether your business idea could bear fruit. If it doesn't, not to worry – our calculator allows you to choose from a wide range of products to visualise the earnings potential of each one. So, not only does the calculator help you with your current idea, but it can provide scope for additional business ideas too!

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