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What you’ll need to start a custom shirt dropshipping business

Drop-shipping is a word that is being thrown around a lot at the moment. You might be aware of what it actually is, but that doesn’t necessarily help you with how to get started. As print-on-demand specialists with over a decade of experience, we’ve embraced this new way to sell t-shirts. We’ve put together this handy dropship custom t-shirt printing guide to help you get up and started with your own dropship shirt printing business.

Make Money Dropshipping

Custom Collections

Make 20-40%

Get minimum 20% of the base price

Custom Collections

Earn more

Add a mark up and earn more

High ticket products yield more profit. Calculate here:

Retail Price:
Your Costs: £ (Inc.VAT)
Delivery: £
Estimated Earnings:£ Advanced Options  
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Your Set Delivery Fee
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Dropship T-Shirt Printing Process

The Dropship Custom T-Shirts Printing Process

The relationship between t-shirt printing and drop-shipping is pretty seamless, and we are here to help you with this process as much as possible.
Once your design and dropship t-shirts are in your Shopify store, your customers can start browsing and – more importantly – placing orders. They create an order with you and make their payment via your Shopify store. That order is then created on our Contrado order system for you, automatically, and we will send you an email with all the details and a request for payment. We apply a wholesale discount to the order, so you only pay our exclusive drop-shipper pricing. This means that the profit stays in your pocket right from the outset.

We’ll then print your design and dropship custom t-shirts using our state-of-the-art printing techniques. We use water-based inks to permanently bond your design to the fabric. This process uses no gas, and no added water and is an entirely print-on-demand service, making it one of the more eco-friendly printing methods. This results in a glorious, high-definition, all-over print that is entirely textureless. You can choose whether you prefer a white-label or private label approach, as you are creating your very own custom brand.

Full Control and easy to design

Full Control and easy to design

We have made uploading your designs to your Contrado account as simple as possible. Use our intuitive design tool to upload your designs from your local files or from an Instagram or Facebook account. Once your design is in the interface, you can move, resize and position it onto your t-shirt exactly as you want it. We have a real-time preview which will show you all of your changes, live, as you make them. When you’re happy with your design, you can save it to your products and add it to your Shopify online store to start t-shirt dropshipping.

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Shopify Logo

How Dropshipping Custom T-Shirts Works

contrado custom bags

Why Contrado?

  • Boutique print on demand since 2002
  • Artisan production by skilled craftspeople
  • Newest print technologies for best print quality
  • High end supplier, locally sourced materials
  • Sustainably handmade in the UK
  • Fast fulfilment, no outsourcing
  • No 3rd party suppliers
  • Worldwide tracked delivery in 2-4 days
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